Features: size: 14" to put onto the snaredrum allmost completely silent
The Meinl Practice Pads are available in 6" and 12" in diameter. The 6" Pad is perfect for drummers on the go, due to the smal...
Continuing in its tradition of innovation, EVANS extended its line of SoundOff drum mutes to include a line of cymbal mutes th...
Sturdy practice pad made by Evans. Foldable for easy transport even in the smallest bag. EVANS Bass Drum Practice Pad RFBASS ...
тренировочный пэд
накладка на тренировочный пэд (маршевый барабан)
набор для начинающих (тренировочный пэд, палочки, обучающая книжка)
набор для начинающих (тренировочный пэд, палочки, DVD диск)